Fetches all currently active bans in a table. If the ban was inacted by the server, the AdminID will be "STEAM_ID_SERVER".
If the server does not know who the admin who commited the ban is, the AdminID will be "STEAM_ID_UNKNOWN".
Example table structure:
BanStart = 1271453312,
BanEnd = 1271453312,
BanLength = 0,
BanReason = "'Previously banned for repeately crashing the server'",
IPAddress = "",
SteamID = "STEAM_0:0:20924001",
Name = "MINOTAUR",
AdminName = "Lexi",
AdminID = "STEAM_0:1:16678762"
Bear in mind that SteamID or IPAddress may be a blank string.
callback: The function to be given the table